Source to buy better nails?
My humble collection over a 2 acre area that I farm. Collected over a 4 year period.
Woodstove not in use stinks
Worked flake?
Still looking for info
Saw these in India aisle of international market. Anyone tried?
Unusual Stone Ring
Info needed
Do men also sleep with each other to climb up the career ladder?
I ranked the Buldak spice levels...
Any love for bolties?
Mothers tap room have food?
We don't have many options here.
How do you guys find places to look?
Why not 12 gauge wire all the time?
My Mom with Bruce Lee c. 1970
Which member of the Bebop crew would you get along with best, and which one the least?
I’m replacing my carpet with LVP. Is there any way to still use these sliding doors?
New trim guy on project
Am I stupid for wanting to try this
Help identify hunting rifle
I have been a professional dog groomer for 14 years. AMA