Yard time for this 2.5 week old criminal of cuteness!
He’s been in the clink known as life for 2.5 weeks
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Active tornado warning near Salem, Oregon
Where was I this morning?
Only clue I know is that it’s in the United States
Robyn’s dolls mega-thread
Robyns „Doll-Grandbaby“ and Kodys reaction
U.S. Travel Association Warns of Economic Tourism Disaster After Thousands of Canadian Tourists Cancel Trips in Protest
Sleeping in style.
Where was I today?
What’s your favorite sad/heartfelt 90s country song?
Found at estate sale in college town Oklahoma
Do we think that Lilibet is MM's biological child? Lili has blue eyes and red hair while Archie has auburn hair and brown eyes. Archie looks like both MM and Harry. Lilibet does not.
Omg. A med-evac plane just crashed in Philly
Small plane crashes in Philadelphia, caught on camera
Kitten stolen from Lynnwood Petsmart.
MD82 Blows off tourists with its engines at St.Martin
Who’s your favorite Country singer ever and why?
Where was I in September of 2020?
Where was I 3 weeks ago?
Found in a DVD case at the flea market, lol
I’ve got a question regarding tornado groundspeed
A pacifier at that age!?
This was messed up with Kody