What do you do when you don’t what what to do and you’re afraid to do anything
AITA for paying for my son's wedding but not my stepdaughters?
AITA for not letting my daughter move in with me?
AITAH for lying about our careers to our nanny?
AITA for not inviting my sister’s new step-kids to my in-laws lake house?
AITAH for withholding sex because my husband won’t get a vasectomy?
Hate my life, any advice for a loser?
I’m a worthless POS & better off dead
AITA for refusing to give up my dream wedding dress because my sister can't afford it?
AITA for telling my mom my dead dad can't dance with me at my wedding when she told me she thought I'd ask my dad?
AITA for using my sister's words against her and saying she should feel lucky to have her kids and to have all that time with them?
AITAH for telling my brother in law to take care of his own kids??
tried “long slow strokes” and I got a lecture 🙄
AITA for telling my ex's sterile affair partner to have her own daughter if she wants to share cheerleading with one?
AITA for telling my dad's new wife I don't want to be her daughter?
Update and please respect me as a human being please.
AITAH for refusing to change the date of my wedding for my sister?
Cozy Cabin Christmas! (Featuring Ernie)
Idk wtf to get and I’m sick of searching
I’m having an abortion this weekend and I’m terrified but I’m not ready to be a mom again.
My (26F) friend (26F) says my husband (29M) cheated. He denies everything and has given me a day to decide to trust him or end things. How do I go about this?
AITA for thinking men should be able to be gynecologists too while my gf doesn't agree
Funky arm that came in through the ER a few months ago
A man injected Kanamycin, an antibiotic ointment, into his penis shaft. His friends told him it would make his penis bigger and enhance sexual pleasure. Spoiler alert: it didn't.
Sister couldn’t properly arrange childcare for my doctors appointment