Found after rain on nylon cover. Could this be from eaves 2 stories up?
Elon: Transformers - the next shortage after chips (Hammond Power Solutions)
CRWD big earnings beat - if we look at the numbers, it is probably justifiable for the stock to be pumping.
Oil finally hits 80, up 4.8% since my call for bullish oil 9 days ago. Finally hit 80 as per the strike that was building since last month. Sometimes patience is all you need.
In early price action, QQQ reversed perfectly from my quants high of the day at 439.3. Like clockwork. Now fighting with the 18k level on Nasdaq. Quant called that one to an absolute T. God dayum.
02/29 - Everything I'm watching and analysing ahead of PCE data, including expectation of Price action we are likely to see and analysis of total market positioning.
Is it possible to have a script that buys and sells for you?
Will fivepoint amphitheatre allow a 6"x9" camelbak ?
Fidelity Options in Roth IRA?
Trading options within Roth IRA’s
The 1up bike rack is gorgeous and is more than worth the price tag.
1up bike rack Black or Silver. Does the black fade. Should I get silver. Super duty double with 2 add ons. Any pics of the black fades ones. Thanks
1 up bike rack for e bikes with fenders or something else?
Anyone use this bike rack: Elevate Outdoor Aluminum EZ-Fold Platform
r/wheel Monthly Marketplace
Im a onewheeler looking to get my gf a scooter with a $400 budget…any suggestions?
Etwow for sale hardly used , located in Bay Area California. 1k or best offer
Car bumped me and ran over my Onewheel. Police report says I'm at fault.
Onewheel Monthly Marketplace
[USA-PA] [H] 16GB DDR4 SODIMM kit (2x8GB) [W] PayPal, Local cash
WTS: New Way Shorts, NWS, Sandstorm, size 32
Powersmiths Book
NERC Certification and Other Questions
Premier shuttle stratosphere update!