horror about “dumb”tourists?
If you're Italian or you have Italian roots, you feel more connected to your regional or national identity?
Found family trope movies
What’s a culture shock you had just going to the neighboring country?
From what degree Celsius do you consider the climate to be warmer than you would like?
Genre films directed by women?
Quali sono, senza vergogna le cose (frivole) che avete scoperto "tardi"?
Suggestions for movies that fit into these themes/lists
forbidden lesbian romance?
who is this chinese actress/celebrity?
What does “spoppellone” mean?
Suggest me a good series which is based on multiverse or time travel related concepts.
What are the best animated movies from Europe?
Great movies that aren’t rewatchable
german tv series my teacher showed me in high school?
Good Korean horror
girl gets killed by her father after years of sexual abuse