Is there any assistance for getting a dog trained to be a service dog?
Aggressive Pets in Walmart
Update to “I have a problem”
My boy is kinda small, should I be worried?
Anyone want to help me name my rescue pup?
My sweet Jekyll and Hyde dog.
New addition to the family, his name is Miso :) Any pup advice appreciated!
Owning a NBT is funny sometimes
Lexxxi at 9 weeks
Female puppy keeps marking
I posted a while back… we’ve had him for a few weeks I’m obsessed. Meet Hank the Mini Tank.
Rescue Mini Aussi Male Pup name
Is Mavis a bad name?
Which puppy?
When did yall neuter your pups? How did it affect them longterm?
Happy Valentine’s Day from Valentine, my mini!
Please hold back on the jokes and boos lol
I think I finally got it right!
WIBTA if I turn my mom in for fraud?
Misappropriation of Mr. Rogers
Does anyone feel like that type of autistic men are kinda gatekeepy of autism?
“If you didn’t tell me, I would never have known you’re autistic” Do NTs think that’s a compliment?
Blue Tide Therapy?
Are you allowed to walk out in the middle of a doctor's appointment?
I went with Blue Tide Therapy for a is my experience...