Its been fun got way further than was expected
Platinum Victory Road is nuzlocke hell
2 Month growth of my 10 gallon (Now and before)
Cat won't stop meowing
Nerite snails shells cracked/how to treat
Flight attendants evacuating passengers from the upside down Delta plane that crashed in Toronto
Mom sent me a picture of her new tank
Which game do you seem to be unable to beat currently, and why?
Corydora feeding trouble/aquarium levels help?
Is Piplup a good choice for Platinum/BDSP?
Finally got my first tank after years of pining after them in youtube videos and visiting marine aquariums! Any tips or general advice?
Question regarding common hermits fan designs
Underrated dangerous Pokemon in a nuzlocke? Wobbuffet is banned as an answer.
How so you even keep up?
Rare candies
a couple players and I came up with something i call garden sessions, and i thought i'd share this idea. they're mini sessions where you can do small adventures or rp.
Has Anyone seen Etho lately?
Scar's living dangerously.
Early game! First time interior! Advice/critique?
I built this for 1 hours and 30 mins a storage house is it good or bad?
Calling tower when overflying airspace
Tubbo had a perfectly normal reaction when Etho first logged into VHSMP
What would be the Hermit's favourite ice creams?
Is .....Is this a joke Harvey?!