question about playing multiplayer
need advice on rorona dx
question about some of these games
need advice on how my rangeman
where can I find the extracted texts
Where to find nintendo swich joy sticks?
question about ygo sim
need advice on ending
NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139… Spoiler-Free Mini-Guide for General/Miscellaneous Information, Endings, and Optional Content
Code Megathread + New Packs, LEAKS, Structure Deck & MORE!
need some help on progression
need advice on how to configure or test my stema controller
Does anyone know where to get link/Download MDpro 3?
Konami kept their eyes close on the real issue.
At long last, finally, I have them all
There is currently a glitch with AGL Vegeta that allows you to perform unlimited Super Attacks
Weekly Questions Megathread
question about which pkms would be best for health and medical stuff
What’s wrong with my posture??
Was sick of using mono-teams for Clash, so I took a few hours to come up with this list and ended up missing the whole event :( So just wanted to share with you guys for future Clashes
8bitdo Micro vs. 8bitdo Zero 2 but specifically for a one hand use?
Akebi exporting decks to Anki
Are optiplex still the best ~$100 home servers?
need advice if i should pull or not for my budget salamangreat