This damn toad gave me more trouble than any monster in the game. What was the most annoying boss for you?
Can only buy one. Suggest me the best one.
I'm 15 and I'm addicted to drinking monster, like 3 or 4 a day. Is this bad?
Argenti spd or atk
Mydei Build
how’s my mydei?
I'm sad
Which one will you pick at 90% discount? Assassin's creed shadow or ghost of Tsushima
Today is release day…
Wanna have a faster alternative to the Nightshark? Well here you go!
is mydei’s LC good for blade?
Should I use New Planar or this one?
Geralt rode with the hunt?? Can someone explain this to me (no sure if spoiler since i didn't play the last two games)
This account is posting pictures of minors and people are simping over them
Skincare I own as a 16 y/o girl
A brother I never had.
Paintings at my school
Which one should I get ?
Yennefer cosplay by me
200hrs later, seeing this guy in white orchard inn was a jumpscare
Were you too some what 'tharki' when you were young?
I Can only buy one.
How I convince my extra strict + middle class parents for a good pc
Oh my god why did Sheila and Louis start dating again!!!