This is what $550 and $600 MSRP looks like in Europe. Croatia to be exact.
Prima mașină după permis – Golf 5 sau există ceva mai bun?
Anomaly si prietenii lui, review pentru România
My dad just told me he is getting internet finally. He sent me a screenshot of the available plans asking which one is fast. This is in 2024 btw
Does anyone have an idea what this yellow light means? Mini Cooper R50
My lil bro just finished building his first PC
My car vs my friends car
Am fost GM pe metin2 ro. AMA
DIY sports air intake
Unde găsesc posibilă parteneră?!
Masina fun buget mic
Is there any modern multiplayer you can actually play on mac?
Reachin new heights with this one
Salut, sunt Mihai fiul lui Mark :)
Misto la pregatire pe server-ul de discord :)