2 date stamps on this coin
Is this worth anything.?
Any ideas to legally explore?
Do I have anything valuable??
We literally watched our tax dollars go poof 💨
This is definitely an error coin right?
Now tell me chemtrails aren't real!
The holy grail & a 2 cent piece
Just getting into the hobby - going through thousands of my grandmothers wheat pennies, I keep finding what I think might be an error. What could cause this kind of damage to the date?
Colt Huntsman. Factory nickel plated I believe.
COLT SAA Roy Rogers Tribute .45 COLT
Who remembers these?
I don’t make knives, but I do some stone work. These knife scales, and gun grip I made from a Michigan Petosky stone.
Whats your favorite vintage knife ?
These are crazy cheap (in the good way
Tiny but handy belt knife.
I love the built in screwdriver.
Today In Lower Manhattan
Anyone know what type of knife i have
Inherited this 1908 .380 hammerless made in 1915
Is there a prize for the smallest knife?
Behold my prized knife. My Grandma bought it when she went to the Amazon in the 70s. And if you're wondering yes the edge is horrible.
Do I have a problem 🫣
What is this worth?