How did he do this?
Skins not showing up in game
Trying to solder new Xbox series x HDMI port. Here was the first attempt.
How did this person switch between 3 outfits in the pre-game lobby?
Help to understand what exactly went wrong here
Sneak into a homeless shelter to steal food. What a hoot! Vile.
Do you ever use non-espresso beans?
‘She's still alive’: First Sarco suicide pod user ‘found with strangulation marks’ as boss remains in custody
Used to be a coffee guy at the office, now there isn't, any advice for this set up?
AITA because I will not watch anything more complicated than a Hallmark movie with my wife.
What to do with beans you hate
[discussion] blind shaker vs WDT
American Main Character in Japan
The border between Mexico and USA
I need a good “I’m going insane” movie
Super happy with my new espresso bar!
Gaggia classic vs bambino ($~600)
Issue with my grind? [DF64 II & Breville duo temp]
[$500 - $3000] How do I tell what a good machine is? How much to get started for a full setup?
Espresso Machine Decisions [$2000] USD
DF83V retention issue
Well boys I ordered my df83v on AliExpress
My daily pourover routine.
Well boys I ordered my DF83V on aliexpress
What can I do to make it less messy?