Do you Read Many Books or Just One Book Per Time?
How much am I supposed to write for an assignment with a maximum word limit?
Books where the author didn’t consider it would become an audiobook?
Post in r/mapporn leads to intense discussion about indigenous mass graves
Has anyone else noticed how, when looking for recs, more & more people seem to be asking for "trope formulas" rather than actual books?
[WIP] after a near two year break I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Vent - struggling to live as an agender person
Why i never heard about Discworld?
How do you deal with annoying people in your courses?
Is there a name for this genre/trope?
Family doesn't seem to care about my degree
In as much as they drag people, weak candidates need help from bright students
Does anyone know what omnia vnvs est means?
I call these "Brussel Sprouts of Copious Garlic"
What’s a book that Reddit loves, but you just couldn’t get into?
What is your age, gender and favorite book(s)?
A book that isn't as good as its film or TV adaptation
The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books
Mature student
How much do American college students actually study?
Suggest me a GOOD book without giving any info. I'll just trust your recommendation.
Athena altar - still in progress
Athena necklaces
Help me
Can't have stains if the fabric is gone