Are runbacks always bad?
Who gets statues for our WS?
Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website
The McFuckyou
Jaws, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Barry Lyndon and the Essential Films of 1975
Which movie scene disturbed you so much that it stuck with you?
I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
War and Peace (1967)
What is a quote of an NPC you still think about?
Anybody else love Pokemon but don't enjoy playing the games?
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator(MBTI) tests are harmful pseudoscience.
Adam, please really consider doing a gofundme for a colonoscopy / your health
Seafood is disgusting
THWOCK! Jawbone, the axe that's a club (RL75, Radabeast, no hit, strength build, stats/equipment at end)
Oddly satisfying
20 tons always wins
How would you rank these modern epics from worst to best?
IKEA Japan is apparently serving all black "ninja style" hot dogs
Where do you guys usually leave the adoring fan?
It’s like clockwork
Chances of TN and NC being hit again
For Sorcerer it looks like a big digipak.
Criterion June 2025 announcements.
Weird red blood like water in the amazon river basin
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
This sub takes this game WAY too literally