“Stop it!”
“iF yOu tHiNk tHeY aRe all bAd pEopLe why dO yoU eVen wAtCh?!?!”
Am i a valid butch..!?
What deodorant do you guys use?
You're stuck on a 10 hour flight. Where are you sitting?
Housing market is in shambles
my heart just broke
The Yellowjackets killed the earliest rescuers and this is their big fear.
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
$1k daily no internet
Way to stop people from drawing on the board
How to "act" more as a butch?
I’m so confused as to why people defend Shauna
Partner is butch MTF, looking for advice
does the left rlly need to change to help men?
Best out of pocket hrt providers
Honest Opinion on being Butch and Bi
FDA meeting to choose flu vaccine composition canceled without explanation | CNN
Where can I get T cream?
Woman dragged from north Idaho Republican townhall by unknown, allegedly-hired security for allegedly "verbally-attacking the legislators". Local Republican officials later could not identify the security company hired.
April 25th, 1945 [original]
What’s the hardest episode for you to watch?
I'm wearing 2 sport bras instead of a binder, am i gonna d*e?
Giving unsolicited form tips to strangers who look like they're going to hurt themselves: helpful or faux pas?
American here- The Future of Homosexuality and Queerness in America