Rapid weight loss on paragard
Should. I be concerned about this?
Literally just got ParaGard and now Reddit has scared me. Help!
What would do if your ex came back and apologized and took responsibility for everything?
I ended my relationship and my pregnancy in the span of a week
I don't want to be here
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
Paragard and mental state
Is my copper IUD messing up my body?
My boyfriend's best friend just asked me for s*x
Do I respond?
i’m giving up on dating.
Hello! This thread is to share your Paragard IUD experience!
Anyone ever feel like an ex robbed them of the most important years of there life ?
Did any of you find someone else after your heart got broken?
BF [29m] keeps sitting on my [21f] chest but he says it's not painful. How can I convince him it is?
I 35f started seeing a 36m whose too scared of his ex wife to commit, advice please?
Lost my boy to cancer
Help. Been dealing on and off for like a year.
How do you date when you dont care to much about sex
Which hair color is best on me?
Wedding makeup help
Help!! I need to remove it ASAP
My BF confessed something horrible.
"normal discharge from both breast" help/advice