What scenes/feelings of the Asian American experience would you like to see more of in media?
The idea that the oppressor doesn't get to define what is and isn't racist, the victim does - is that associated with any known thinker / writer / activist?
Discrimination and bullying in nursing
I’m confused if it’s right to leave or not? Me 20F and my boyfriend 22M were best friends before and now in are a relationship since 2 years but we have some major issues.
My(19m) gf(20f) is mad at me because she's talking her ex
Me (23M) and Girlfriend (21F) on a break due to emotional disconnect. Is she fully checked out or is there a chance she comes back?
My (23M) ex-best friend (22F) embarrassed me in front of the guy (21M) I like. How do I recover from this?
I(23M) am going to break up with my partner(22NB). How does this work when we’re living together?
CALLIE - Hey Luigi (new song out!)
CALLIE - Hey Luigi
Song called Hey Luigi 💚💚
Any advice for better lyrics?
Luigi Mangione’s attorney says some evidence in Pennsylvania probe should be tossed because of an illegal search | CNN
Wanna hear your music!!!
I made this song for our revolution.
Weekly Lyrics Feedback Thread
Is writing a verse the hardest part of a whole song?
Kaleb Weko music project
I tried to sing a little higher than normal.
a song i'm writing about on/off relationships lol
A song I wrote about Northwest sea life. I think I mention two dozen animals! Thanks for listening!
I am obsessed with harmonies
Made this song for Luigi’s court date today
My 9-yr-old sister drew this for my b-day: