Any tips for using hazard’s ult?
Jtk original image found (maybe)
The amount of people I’ve seen wearing the new insanely overpriced pixels is concerning
Builds get destroyed whenever using a ZipLine
Characters ranked from best to worst 💀
Can anyone else not breed the paironormals?
Black mirror opinions that will have you like this
Great epic, but how do I get friends 😭
What do you guys think of capaldi’s reveal returning as the 16th doctor?
Trump is banning My Singing Monsters. It’s so over 😔
What are yalls unpopular opinions about any of the supermassive games?
Prestige rewards concept: Crowns on any cosmetic outfit and more (crown art by Mitokovo)
i think i found it
Actually gonna kms if i see her again in soloQ
I play DBD because it’s fun…
The torch mechanic feels outdated, so here’s a rough concept I made for a rework!
Still gonna watch it though
Is zarya really overtuned right now or something??
I just want to say taht i did not mean any offensive intent and it was a joke, i did not know about MH (Monster Handler) Tysons cancer snd i wanted to deepley apologise to everyone who thought i had bad intent on this joke.
is this bad?
Do you guys still use noed?
Which killer was the most hated at their peak ?
I always hear people wanting a Mr X skin for nemmie but I present to you the radical other option. Bitores Mendez
I have no fucking clue??????
How much i enjoy playing against each killer.