FIT - First Intervention Team
I bought all the 2011 holsters so you don’t have to.
Why is FIUPD wearing a backpack with their SBR?
Mossberg 930 fatal flaw fix?
What y’all think? (H&) KUSA
Bedroom setup
USP Compact or P2K?
Stippling after Cerakote.
Are cz scorpions more reliable than ghm9s?
Does this still count as poverty?
Whoever this person is I personally wanna say fuck you!
Who will be better for our economy? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Dude bro on i-80 with the gun and lifted truck.
USPS sucks. Badly.
New RMR, who is this?
Absolutely stunning
Red Ceramic Vessel with Holes and Hollow Stem, Removable Lid
What to use these for?
Wholesome Ideas needed: 10 y/o niece fascinated with Army. Old man uncle seeks Army training ideas for family camping trip.
Something is wrong with this picture…
Does anyone know what this is for
Our platoon is the “battle toads” sir wants a motto. Got any ideas.
Helppp would I be able to join the army with this tattoo?
Apc9k vfg query
Reno is really dropping the ball with this storm