Can the Doctor (Doctor Who) prevent the Viltrumite Invasion of Earth (Invincible)?
What's your guys's opinion on Cocoapowder?
Clover textbox sprites for FILE Error - Which do you guys like more?
What is your favorite fanon relationship dynamic for Clover and Kanako?
Time is a flat circle
chara revival ideas?
Am i the only one who can't see Clover x Canon Chara not happening?
Martlet's Royal Guard Training! (@MerleBirb)
What do yall think of UT: R&Y?
UTY Ship Tier List, but it’s ordered by how likely I think they could happen in canon
Day 12: Chara from One More Chance won for worst development arc, What is the best Power-up.
Why is Toriel Treated So Poorly By The Fandom?
This isn’t meant to hate on anybody, but yeah idk what to put.
Facing Demons is the best design, which Chara has the best development arc?
Day 8:Epic!Chara is the most potential, who had the most wasted potential.
Screw it.
A Father's Judgement - Part 41
Clover x Gamer Cat fanart because it probably doesnt exist
Guys... I Thought we were superior
What do you think?
Tell me your favorite ship.....
Kanaclover's technically considered a rarepair, right???? Just to clarify because this is a question i have i've never seen an explicit answer for.
What do you guys think of these headcanons?
Master Chief tries to defeat Samus, but he cannot do it alone. Can he and his new team take her down?