god forbid a woman keeps secrets from her coworkers
What fictional death hit you the hardest?
Louis Tomlinson has been spotted enjoying meal with Zara McDermott
Resolve conflict with eyes contact
Intermittent fasting with ADHD
God forbid a girl becomes feral once a month
Cursed Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
okay. sooooo...............
March 16, 2005. Exactly 20 years ago, Bella escaped from Alice and Jasper and went to the ballet studio in Phoenix to save her mother.
TIL that in 2009, W Magazine had photoshopped Demi Moore's head onto super model Anja Rubik's body for the cover. What are other famous edits of this kind?
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
Jesus wept
Late dinner
God forbid a girl is this horny
What's a movie or show you saw as a kid that now qualifies as a historical artifact?
This came to me in a dream
Nutritional yeast on vegenaise on toast.
You're able to go back in time to experience any event of interest to you. There's no limit on how far you can go back in time. What would you go back to see?
One month ago I was raped. I’m now sneaking wine into my grandparents’ house
Sweet potato w date syrup, cinnamon & vegan butter
Pointed at her (offensive) then somebody next to me coughed (also offensive)
What movie made you cry the first time you saw it?
High quality pig racing channel League of Pigs introduces CGI pig host and no one is happy