Who's the purple hair girl?
Looking for gas just got back into the game
Anything wrong with this image?
[COD] Call Of Duty website won't allow me to put in my phone number.
Bruh dark flare is so ass
Wow. This is worthless
Korra is just a whore in the wall
So where did this beautiful perk go?
Does anyone know when the OG Paradigm style will be out?
Any offers?!?!
I'm trading someone perm spirit for this on Monday. W or L?
Looking for dragon
Offers ?
I’ll give a kitsune, leopard and whatever third fruit you want for a dragon
LF offers
Whats the best gamepass?
LF perms or scrolls
Anyone tryna do this? (Also taking good offers for it)
What are your thoughts about this
Is this a W trade?
My opponents should not be this good at base elo
explain this atheists
Sharp plug I-frames go hard