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Lost her keys
I got one of those Magic John screen protectors from Tiktok
Does anyone know what the beetle outbreak is around Murrumbateman… there’s so many here!!
How does the Magic John screen protector compare to your average tempered glass screen protector?
Liberals rates policy would cost $100m more than party expected
Strange looking trophy you’ve got there…
Where the craziest place you have did a quickie?
Has anyone ever orgasmed so hard that they passed out?
What embarrassing secrets do you know about your exes?
That ended well
Visualising the Brindabella preference distribution
$50 says Coe's stunts hurt the Liberals
Have all of the Ed COCKS corflutes vanished?
Geocon strikes again
New neighbour just moved into apartment block - ground rumbling snoring.
Why would a person feel more sexually turned on if that person stays up late in the night ?
My (27F) boyfriend (25M) was with another woman “consoling” her while holding and kissing her hand
bad. - Friendlyjordies
Keep asking questions they are trying to shut the questions down.