Update on previous incident, feels ominous
How militarily powerful were the Dwemer?
Reedsy Book Covers
I just self-published on Amazon for the first time
Update: Vanity publisher court case, the publisher did not contest the case
The Surge in Korean men-White Women Couples
Had a Mormon PTSD nightmare
This post is kind of ruining my life.
I have filed a lawsuit against my vanity publisher, citing breach of contract.
My first book only sold 41 copies, how should I feel about that?
Did muggles know about the existence of Hogwarts before the international statute of wizarding secrecy?
Are there any hostile Argonians and Khaajits in Morrowind?
****Olympia Publishers don't pay you the Royalties you owe, AVOID****
Your experience dealing with Meta Verified support when facing issues
Facebook restricted and demonetised my news page falsely accusing it of posting sexual abuse material
Facebook AI false positive demonetises and restricts my page, won't let me appeal it and there's nobody to talk to
Everyone's recommendation is suspended on Facebook Today. Glitch or not
Joseph Smith, the Occult and the tree of life
I've finally come to the conclusion, Christianity just sucks
I have mysteriously changed since starting Magick
I have mysteriously changed since starting to dive into Magick and the occult, I don't know what happened
I have been seeing entities all my life in my sleep
Psychologically coping as a journalist in today's social media climate
TBM family member causes conflict by disrespecting my decision to leave by blaming my wife
Do Koreans actually really look down on South East Asians?