No one talks about Rachel Sennott
Anyone know something about Stagecoach Entertainment?
The Associated Press has been officially banned from covering the Oval Office and Air Force One
What’s a harsh truth about life that most people aren’t ready to hear?
Resistance against tyranny
Books to read
& I bet not one kid that did the open calls were cast
What is the darkest book you’ve ever read?
Zero breaks. Am I ok for refusing to come back a 2nd day?
Favorite Gene Wilder movie that's not Willy Wonka
'Lost on a Mountain in Maine' is a movie
What has gradually vanished from society over the past 20 years without many people noticing?
Famous examples of features that started off as short films?
Whats a terrible addiction that no one really mentions?
Besides Shakespeare, do you read full-length plays in class? Which ones go over well?
What’s a movie you watched as a kid that traumatized you?
What about getting older has surprised you the most?
Parent requested their student not read The Glass Castle. I need recs for a replacement!
Are self tapes asking too much some times?
Audition fatigue. Should I just give up?!
A screenplay that made you audibly gasp?
Which show ended so poorly that you really wished you hadn't invested so much time in it?
Houston concert!
What is the Best Movies of All Time?
What’s after death?