Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
I guess I’m learning something new this weekend.
"Hi! My name is ______ [name of the last thing you ate]."
Original STP & BHS concert posters
Best pizza by the slice
Happy Void Overlord Day
sunn soaked voids didn’t last long
I tried to escape from cat jail and got reprimanded
There’s more than one!
Milwaukee show
Trying to clear my step dad's garage.
My Freebie Day 1 - $2.18
Motorcycle Carb Cleaning Options
Saw them live for the very first time last weekend.
New Eddie cover just dropped
This is causing a lot of fan anxiety
What song comes to mind when you ride?
What do you think is the greatest opening lyrics from the PJ catalog
Opinions on Garmin 396LMT-S?
How often do ya’ll eat red meat?
I'd love to see your multiple voids. We have Anakin and Ben Kenobi.
I think Something Special is awesome?
Who are your picks on this?
Alice is in Wonderland