Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I’m not a huge fan of Smoky’s design 🫠
We can use shine dust instead of trade tokens!
Accidentally a Non-Binary Icon
This made me so mad
I’m starting to notice a trend…
New pass
Imagine how pissed we're gonna be if the Switch 2 direct in April is lame.
Potion with this display bord is 🔥
Let's be honest: The C button is almost certainly for voice chat.
What do you guys think this could mean? (If it means anything)
You're telling me there wasn't even one Girlvincible across all the entire multiverse? (Art by Tloessy)
Are we serious?
How screwed are you?
Gay variant confirmation
Would Multiversus still be alive and kicking if they'd gone with Disney?
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Wife was not amused. Or even slightly excited.
it sucks when even Metroid fans have it better than you in the Switch era
We need to give this the Sonic Movie treatment
Megas returning this year
Was just rewatching the show when I realized; why does Steven say Neptune instead of 'we don't know' or 'in the ocean' or something
Opinions on the latest Pokemon ZA gameplay: do you think it was gameplay was captured on switch 1 or 2? If so, how are you feeling about the game? Any other thoughts about new mechanics, etc?
A2a More Leaks!
My son needed crayons 🥲
xy furious fists from Uber eats… will I get them? Let’s see lol