Recently been working on extending my range, any tips and feedback would be appreciated. “On with the show” -Motley
how do you remove these shits
Good first bike? What’s the opinion on carb bikes?
Need help
Aspiring genji main needing help
Recently started to learn how to play Genji, here its my first 3 kill :D (after 4 hours of suffering of course)
Reflecting a headshot will never not be statisfying
Me explaining to my friends why I won't switch against a full counter comp
So tired of going against genjis almost every game. They all getting solo ulted from now on :)
Major Perk idea
Little Master Genji edit ( to find my other socials)
Cass made a grave error
My sister backing into my shitbox Suzuki Katana🤣
What's wrong with these stats?
Genji experience
"this ends now" for you soujorn
06 Suzuki Katana all of a sudden does not want to idle since getting warm out
Genji aim trainers?
When to use fan?
Does anyone know where the idle screw is on a Suzuki katana 600? Bike will not stay idling
wanting a little discuss about perks
I'm getting used to the new perks the game feels so fresh. Raw balde actually do something now ! Here's a nice potg
Why did it snap my camera??