My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
I have to ask guys. Hen or roo?
I was a bedroom kid
Anyone remember revolving restaurants?
What style is this?
A huge part of me wishes alcoholics wouldn't post here
Need to talk
Well, it finally happened
Ladies, dont use panty liners everyday
Looking for an affordable inclusive spot for an adult prom type party. Approximately 100 people, allows alcohol, food, & has space to dance.
Opal chillen
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
Best Opening Line From a 70's Song?
A lifer for me.
I’m realizing the woman I loved is dead and gone and I may never speak to her again.
Brave Girl
Chicken or dog?
Did your nparent(s) laugh when your siblings tortured you?
AITA If I say we have to do something about the cat?
AITA If my girlfriend (16F) is pressuring me to do cocaine and I (17M) don’t want to?
My therapist said something that made it all click for me
Do alcoholics smell?
Women of this subreddit, is this statement from my mom true?
Phrases for detaching with love
American Goldfinch