What is a slang phrase that drives you crazy as a xennial?
If you had $2000.00 to drop on any coin right now (not Bitcoin) what would you choose.
Hundreds apply for ‘affordable’ Ann Arbor apartments with rents up to nearly $1,700
Another dip guys, this is getting crazy
I feel so f"ked right now.
18 months. 320 Job Applications (yes, really). Not one interview.
Why aren't we garnering more attention?
Hired as remote worker but rumors of RTO
Whats up now, Im so depressed
Moving to Saginaw from IN
Why the heck are so many people getting laid off?
Memecoins are not over! Famous Dev is back & PLANNING next launch! 🚀
I’m embarrassed of my job. Can anyone else relate to this?
Portfolio down 25%
BE AWARE OF Coinfast.fun
Am I cooking or I'm cooked?
Im going insane...
Cheap eats
ETH is literally the same price as FOUR YEARS ago
Who was president when your parents were born ?
Sell eth with loss for btc?
Who was the cable provider in the 80’s-90’s before Charter?
Thought About City Snow Removal
Why is everything dropping
i cry multiple times a day