Did father overreact?
Need friends, game won’t connect to Facebook
Friends- please I just joined the game and would love some friends!!
Ppa tickets
PPA Mesa Cup audio issue?
If every job paid the same salary, what job would you be doing right now and why?
Eggs were gone in less than 10 minutes at Costco
Anyone else have extremely low miles on their car?
Any of y'all remember names during open play ?
I’m begging all y’all parents
Smoking before getting in the car
MIDFLORIDA Amphitheater now charging $20 to park!
Do you tip if the pricing is double (or more) the normal rates?
You've won a $2,500 Costco gift card that must be used in 30 days. What are you getting?
How many of you have broken down and turned the heat on?
Got headhunted over a line call
Best Restaurants in Florence?
Why ppl prefer lumpsum instead of installment?
Can't afford my husband's eating habits
Why to be an Aupair?
Lets see a picture of your paddle. Show us your daily driver!
If you won 10 mil, what kind of car would you get?
Free Food and Drink in Italy?
Throwing it all away...