Things to consider when buying a new car for the first time which is also an EV?
Is musky smell in a house a bad sign?
Finally finished!
How can this cost €7.30?
What’s your first thought when you see this pizza?
Left side ovary pain with no cyst, right side no pain with cyst.
My first diamond painting ever! Needless to say.. I’m $300 in the hole for it now
Withdrawal Comraderie needed :’(
Severe pain in hands from holding something cold for a few seconds
What dose to reinstate after withdrawal?
What do you wish someone told you before you started?
Coming off the medicine and withdrawals are starting to kick in?
Effexor saved my life
I've taken 3000mg of Ibuprofen today
What side effects did you have when coming off the medicine?
RA diagnosis, extreme eye fatigue and dryness
We're do you like to start from?
Car just shit itself..... help
When did you first develop vitiligo?
Does this seem like the going rate?
Being jolted out of nowhere?
Newly diagnosed and now another weird symptom....
Please tell me this gets better
Talk to me about solar panels - what's the best way to do it?
Ohuhu water or alcohol markers?