How would I get yt-dlp to download a full playlist as mp3/m4a?
What might a Confrontation theme for Phoenix sound like?
Let's show Meekins some love, shall we?
Can't locate certain tracks when using vgmtrans on GS4
Does Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies/Spirit of Justice contain sequenced music or is it streamed? And is there a way to extract the MIDI?
Where might I get help with a fangame?
What simple shot or image in initial D goes the hardest and evokes a feeling in you? - For me, the frontal panning shot after both cars spin out and nearly collide at the end of the Mako/Sileighty/Blue Impact battle is chills.
Is he taking the win or Nah?
Between court sessions chilling (
Women, do you believe Ace Attorney to be a feminist series?
Which mainline game has the best moderato?
Each game's OST is quite self contained, but which themes from different games do you feel would go well together?
What are your favourite mainline courtroom themes, and does GS1's sound like the odd one out?
Saw this in my feed, advertising a Capcom exhibition in Osaka.
Does anybody else feel like there are tracks missing when reading the files of AJAA with vgmtrans?
Can anyone see bits of Hobohodo in DD/SoJ Phoenix?
Phoenix & Mia in court cosplay by laytcol & blue.wind.rose
Why is my Court-Records account still not active?
Gina Lestrade is - i just realised - from the same part of London as me!
Will AAI2's official transcript be ported to the 3DS?
Question regarding soundfonts
Here's a small Light of Logic sprite showcase. Enjoy.
Any way to make/play custom cases on 3DS?
I want to study law as a hobby in the UK - where do I begin?
What dimensions should HD sprites be?