why am i so... stupid.?
Why does soup punch balls? Is he gay?
Whats his aslume name?
Who the heck is this woman?
Painting of Yours Truly
Go on bro ❤️
I won't elaborate
Lola is buns
No s5 banner, so I threw one together (all art is theirs)
some hirasawa fanart i made!!
My friend Fred bought me this awesome Phony figure. Can everyone please comment below “Thank you Fred.”
I get more hate mail when I play Marvin
Opinions on Lola
Day 5: Morally grey; opinions are divided.
"You know the patch notes mean nothing right?" "You don't really think a petition will work right?" "what's the point in playing the game if it's dead in 3 months?" "stop having hope the haters were right all along--"
Im pretty sure I just spotted Inoue inside this panel. Chapter 231!!
i saw this on twitter, i just wanted to ask how true this is.
182 hours played for me, how many hours have you logged? RIP
Damn this is good! really good.
Brad Burns character design
A lore accurate shaggy main
How it feels to constantly refresh the official socials for a season 5 announcement...
Can someone explain why this is in the game?
Hopefully It's All Worth The Wait 🤞