Humans Turned Gods
I know what I have to do, but it’s tearing me up inside (bonus if the character actually has a moment where they break down)
It was fake all along!?
They’re dead. They are VERY much dead. But that’s certainly not going to stop them.
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
"Oh my God, they killed [Character]! You bastards!"
Snake hair
When the cover/title references the villain/final boss rather than the protagonist
When the team breaks up
“Suffering builds character” Continues to make that character suffer endlessly
Characters that jump straight into a fight without preparing or thinking.
When people automatically associate original songs with specific characters because of their respective media (& other reasons)
*Heroes* who gave *VILLAINS* PTSD [Bonus if the hero is usually friendly and peaceful]
Dogs (and dog adjacent pets)
“I can fix them!” *Proceeds to actually fix them*
That one character death that told you nobody is safe from here on out
The “Last Resort” that everyone, even their allies, are reluctant (or even terrified) to bring into play
Well shoot :( the protagonist was sentenced to death.
Stupid characters who are actually just kind and innocent people
What is your single most prized possession?
Childhood friends that DON’T become worst enemies when they get older
Big Buff Lesbians
Masterminds behind the events of the story that have relatively little screen time when compared to the other villains
Fictional female leaders
Good advice put into bad practice.