Ask and ye shall receive, santigold dub is here <3
Santigold dub
33 Year Old Expired Film
Back on the Amiga chilling out
Just saved 5 more beauties this morning
Upsampling MP3s?
encoding? just to decode it again? video is a prison...
Today marks one year of taking Polaroids as a hobby. Here are some of my favorites.
How to convert samples from wav/mp3/brr/whatever to iff for use in protracker/noisetracker/octamed?.
Stretching the limits of Amiga
So I’ve been hearing Marietta is back, is this true?
Female jungle producers?
Fear me ye enthusiasts
How bad is my geometry on this tv I just picked up before I work on it?
Has anyone been rejected from MA commercial photography?
Comparable bitcrusher/down sample plugin to Amigo sound
First roll on medium format
Newer monitor significantly darker than old, any idea why? And what to do about it
Can I get into CSM without a Foundation? (Pls help if you can)
tonight’s vibe
Do you have any unpopular jungle opinions?
hiding away
D'Cruze - Lonely
How many channels/tracks did early tracker-based jungle have?
It's true I'm a phony.