Painting Stick Broke.
Hurt myself building an activity center for our 4 month old that doesn’t require tools. This’ll cost me my tattoo deposit…
New Year, New Harry Cosplay
For Rural Sess Ref
hello darkness my old friend... Part II
Liminal Horror RPG
Disco Elysium style self portrait and me on a pleinair in Martinaise
Day 1 and I’m sooooooo tired
I can't remember what it feels like to love.
Some disco patches I made for my bag
What happens if it bites your hand?
Bro her head was copied & pasted from base skin
Hard lump bigger than 2cm. Vet says it is still fine. Im not convinced.
Should you always destroy Guardian asap?
Coverup ideas
Lord of the Rings Glass Goblets 2001, complete with original boxes and some of the figurines
Character design tier list
what if deadlock had league of legends champion roles?
Question about Jax voice line
Songs that feel like this?
What did I just cough up?
How to get rid of bed bugs?
Daily Item Discussion (116/119): Curse
What is the logical reason of why Holliday only has 2 stamina bars?
How do I reinforce this weak point on my bedframe?