t-slim X2 constant occlusion alerts?
Looking for this shot from Mykonos
What is this shot?
Vet recommendations for small breed dog?
A very special blanket
What happens at the School of Business New Student Webinar?
Had surgery last week and I’m going stir crazy at home. Considering sending this to my doc
Daddy’s little donation
What is the worst part about living with diabetes to you?
How long did it take you?
How do Competency Units translate in regards to time?
Why is there blood in my pump tube
Old Coach bag found at Salvation Army for $15
Doggy daycare recommendations?
Plating for copper pans?
$50 marketplace find
Found this funky lamp at Salvation Army today for $12, can’t find any details on it, but I think it’s pretty cool and unique
Found 6 of these mid century bent wood chairs at value village for $5 each. Fixed some scuffs and reupholstered with black leather
A little Beanie boy update: he seems a little more alert today and he’s given me some tail wags too. He goes back to the vet tomorrow for a recheck- I’m going to ask for better pain management.
My poor Bean having a rough recovery
7 year old Bean had hernia surgery Thursday
Finally enjoying the summer heat
Had to bring Lamb Chop to nap in the sun
Oh hallmark....
This is my cat, Case