Which area do you see being gentrified someday?
Liquid detected in charging port almost every time iPad is plugged in?
How Do You Completely Empty Your Bowels Before a Run? (Without Caffeine)
How long have you been playing the lottery and how much have you won?
Is anyone UK based considering switching from Apple products?
What were nights out like in the 1990’s/2000’s
Has anyone sampled the moon rocks from HH?
Can anyone remember the guy who would roam around the city centre selling fake smoke?
Genuinely Curious
Hi, is a simple value EV betting bot possible?
Kay Burley back on Sky News this morning 😒
Simple as..,.
New office chair day.
Sky News presenter Kay Burley 'to quit' show 'this week' after 32 years at broadcaster
Trying to install Sequoia, won’t read USB boot disk.
What was 1998 like in the UK?
RD+ has stop working (RIP rd)
What is a good age to begin investing in bonds?
Tuesday night run club
The best case for iPhone 16 Teal? Any thoughts?
What iphone should i upgrade to
How do people 'flip' houses when mortgages usually tie you in for a minimum time?
Happy Friday everyone 🥳
What feature is Stremio missing?
You are a spy, operating in enemy territory, convincingly disguised as one of the enemy. You’ve been captured by a unit of the British Army. How do you prove to them that you are British?