The first swampert raid I did!
How many shiny legendary and mythicals do u guys have!?
Which one goes to a shundo first if we do get a +1 stat bottle cap
Caught this lil guy in wild is it rare?
How Many Hundos Do You Have?
Mega lucario raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny
Articuno raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny
Moltress raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny
Zapdos raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny
White kyurem raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny
Which two should I fuse if I get enough energy for 2 fusions??
Now just need to take them both to 50
Black kyurem raid join fast 745376983174 let's grind that shiny