how to not "fall into the right wing pipeline" (lol)
jealous jealous jealous of non-op detrans ppl
is voice training harder for detrans women than for trans women?
Girl I don’t know called me a pedophile in public.
bioresorbable lattice mattisse breast implant
internalized misogyny, beauty standards, neurodivergency, gnc childhood, transition, etc.
transphobic wlw date encounter (vent)
transmedicalism, transness being innate, what makes someone real/fake trans, detransition
is 1 gram of collagen peptide per day enough to do anything
Where can I get gender affirming care in Gainesville?
Detrans playlist
2/5 protest
Has anyone actually named their kid “Glee”?
do you conceptualize your male self and female self as two seperate people?
sore "breasts" before period post top surgery
voice cracks?
Struggling with the "therian" label with my tween
Is anyone here embarrassed by identifying as a de transitioner
do you feel like you have male privilege? if so, does it bother you or are you grateful for it?
Have any of the older youtube trans people detransitioned?
Did you date people according to their sexuality when you were trans?
How do u feel about joining a woman’s only social group?
I think I'm going to detransition FtMtF
I feel like a freak
what would you consider "actual" gender dysphoria