Doink & Burger
Average gaming experience in my house.
Me and gang (edc of college student)
Totally blanking on chill places to go as a group of 5 young women.
dating women in 4B?
Can the science side of Reddit please tell me what in Satan’s name I just fished out of this skin serum bottle? It’s on the end of a toothpick for size reference. Please tell me it’s just congealed ingredients? [product question]
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Which hairstyle looks best? Trying to get back into dating
ISO a tailor for shortening sleeves
2 Night Metal Fest at Coffee Pot: tomorrow and Saturday
Books that feel like this + romance
18th century underpinnings ✔️
1850's inspired ball dress I designed
EDC of a mortuary student who's fave color is pink
Why is it so difficult😭
Day 1 of my quest to bring hats back
What is the name of this 1930s(?) sleeve? It's like a one piece Juliet sleeve. Are there other ways to make this effect or resources on how to sew it?
If you’re able to get vaccinated do it as soon as possible
Detailed descriptions of food and flavours
Have you ever watched your snails actively clean your tank?? 😳
Anything cultish, extremely cursed and American
Cats by @jhigf2008
What the heck is this fit???
Men really want certain group of women to be alone this badly and not be happy, when us lesbians exist! We're never alone and our lives doesn't only involve men.