can't wrap my head around this. how do people have that much ingame currency? what do you mean 50 people have at least 20k stars...
Mi novia y su pasado me están consumiendo mentalmente. No sé qué hacer.
Am i fine or should i go to the doctor?
Anyone else feel dizzy?
hit my head
Hypocondria it's driving me insane
Do brain injuries make tinnitus go away?
Do any of you get so stressed that you start having diarrhea?
What’s the dumbest thing you or another user got cooked/canceled for
Is this blood spot concerning?
Do you ever randomly feel sick/dizzy and overwhelmed?
Advice please
Survive my first week of work, it was awful
What caused ur agoraphobia?
Stressing over tinnitus
What to do during an anxiety attack?
I’m scared about my health
¿A que le sientes fobia?
No querer salir con una mujer trans no nos hace homofóbicos ni transfóbicos
Hypochondriacs out there, whats the scariest symptom you ever had that was fully convincing that you had a serious illness when it was really coming from the anxiety?
I “never” feel relaxed. Anyone else?
Afraid I have an enlarged spleen
Health anxiety
Why is coffee making me feel like crap all of the sudden?