I got off to my boyfriend crying multiple times
Am I wrong for disliking “furry persons”
Is it bad if I don't lose weight?
If depression doesn’t really go away for good, why should I continue to live and cope with it?
Which girls names do you like out of the following list? Please rank your top 3. And provide any comments on the rest.
Your best recommendations for after finishing the last book!
how to care for a deep wound?
My boyfriend tried to cum on my face and I felt degraded
I truly have lost all compassion for the clientele I work with.
What activities do you do when you can't sleep?
Anyone on Lamictal? Tips for Memory & Focus?
What’s it like to have your name ruined?
how would you clean this..?
small question at the end of assassin's fate
Well Finished liveship traders and this is bugging me a lot.
top surgery financial options in NSW?
Girl names that end in an “E” sound that aren’t overly common?
Am I in the wrong for veto-ing all my wife’s “unique” name choices for our baby girl?
Australians who have a local/regular coffee shop - how attached are you to the baristas?
I don't feel valid
Girl names to go with the middle name Louise
150 pages from the end of Assassin's Fate, want to share my story
any hope with genetically weak nails?