Staying quiet without being accused of the silent treatment
I'm so tired of the anger and blaming
Is recording/documenting worth it?
AITA for not waking my husband up?
Might be a new favorite
Change out nail art on dipped soft gel full nail tips
Reccomend me horror films that filled you with genuine fear and constant tension, and i'll watch each and every one of them.
I’m worried about my physical
How do you handle lies/misremembering?
How many BP couples make it to “til death do us part?” Isn’t that the real question? Not 5 years, 25 years, etc.
If they raise a hand as if to slap you, but never have actually slapped you, thrown anything at you or hit you, what's the likelihood in the future they will progress to hitting?
46F vs 45M How to get him to listen?
What is a good horror movie to watch with a bunch of dudes at a cottage?
Found near river of old silver mine
The Gingerbong House
It's a beaut, Clark
It's the gingerbong house!
It's the gingerbong baked house 😍💨
Is there anyway to not feel like total shit when quitting weed?
She's dry! And she's so beautiful 🥺
Coast of Maine Stonington Soil
Grandiflora Genetics - Grandi Candi
Sugar free Keto Jello in family size packs?
When cleaning a (BEDROOM) grow tent space after a pest infested grow, what are some tips to ensure your space is safe to work in again?
These little mans I often see dangle from my plants if I give the branches a good shake. Anyone know what they are or if they will harm my plants?