My poor boy went in my arms at the vets last night
I always seem to get some odd looks during operations, no idea why
Not recieved my collectors edition
It finally came in
[A3][RECRUITMENT][NA/EU][New Player Friendly][Semi-Casual] 40k/30k The Word Bearers
Who is at fault here? I'm the dashcam driver
It just got worse and worse
Curious, how often would you fuck me? (f) (24)
I can’t wait for the holidays to be other after seeing this
The what..
If my cat could speak of the traumatising stuff he’s witnessed he wouldn’t
Plus ultra!
my drawing is on his livestream cover??? pog??????
I can see now why the bronies love this show
So who wants their day ruined?
I mean it’s the only valid course of action to take
I could go for some chicken right now, what about you guys?
This is why I don’t like bra shopping for my gf
I don’t remember this in dbz