Now that’s hunters are more divided than ever about the difficulty in Monster Hunter
High Rank monsters?
I don’t think arch tempered velkhana is covered in ice it’s probably just crack, he’s crazy difficult how am i supposed to deal with that
Missing the spacing of hammer’s mighty charge when waking up the monster is so humiliating, is this how great sword players feel
The fact that the beta set looks the exact same as the alpha is hella disappointing lol, it’s not the end of the world for sure but i was so excited for the fashion possibilities
Does anyone else have a texture loading problem when turning the camera?
Being forced to use that bum a$$ spinning bludgeon move instead of just rolling out for hammer combos is big commitment tbh, and i wish it was fun at least (it’s not)
Rathian and Rathalos
There are already 4 fanged beasts before any title update even, do you think they’re going to skip Rajang this time?
Hey guys, does Nami super nova inflect electric damage, water damage or both? I’m tryna figure which resistance jewels should I bring
The devs just adding back lost moves and significantly reworking other weapons based on beta player feedback is awesome.
Now that the beta has ended. Show me your character. Here's my huntress.
You have to fight one monster 100 times in a row for a million dollars. Which monster are you picking?
My character :D and yeah, Inosuke was my inspiration
Please tell me it carries to the full game lol
Hammer mains i just found out that you can charge the third hit of your triangle combo and it works as a counter apparently
Is MH Wilds gonna have a village or a town later on? Because the camp they given us is the most underwhelming starting area in the entire series
Of all the newcomers to wilds witch one do you like the most design wise?
Q: Guys what is the command for changing weapons?
The charge state doesn’t exist for hammer any more! I’m actually sad :(
Is there any game with good Hammer combat other than Monster Hunter? Because the souls genre ain’t cutting it sorry
Guess I’m losing then
Name a more underwhelming variant (challenge impossible)
I really understand why most people hate this fight, but me personally i love his concept so much, I really hope (Paolumu’s) move set gets reworked and added to (Wilds)
Like you really think you gonna survive the Frenzy Virus