Our freeze dried stash came back!
Amusement park with 5 month old
Considering couples therapy after having our baby...
How long did you hang on to your hospital cup?
Freeze drying breastmilk
Freeze drying breastmilk?
How to handle family functions? LO is 5 months...
Will family functions get easier??
What’s your longest stretch between pumps and how much do you produce during that stretch?
Any tips or words of advice for getting through 3rd trimester?
Realized our fridge wasnt working...3 days of pumped milk ruined.
Its 9:30pm & we just realized our fridge wasnt working. 3 days of pumped milk ruined...
Raw nips using Momcozy M5
How was your first day/week back to work with your LO?
Uneven boobs after nursing on one and not the other. Did I mess up? Will it be uneven from now on?
Nothing furiates me more than when the neighbor's gardeners start leaf blowing when my baby just went down for a nap
Do you wear a bra?
Having reservations about our 11 week old being around relatives these holidays
What the heck are we making for dinner?
Momcozy M5 too small? Nips feel raw after pumping.
Baby eczema treatment? Creams? Body wash?
FTM moms, when did you start taking your LO out in public without your SO?
Feet went up a size postpartum
What’s your highest suction?
Nipple shields & combo feeding