Frauen bei der Feuerwehr (Rant)
How do you play Gwen when behind?
is it okay to be drinking monster ultra everyday?
Meow Bond 007
What’s your top 3? This is mine:
Price increase from 3rd April. Are you stocking up?
How does this have that color it looks radioactive lol
Found this note on the windshield.
How does ultra golden pineapple taste?
Is Briar’s mid-game weak?
I got a $2 voucher for a messed up drink
The real reason for the Gwen changes
Markiert dieses Zeichen eine Kopie?
Tastes like carbonized Lipton Ice Tea peach
Gwen adjustments
The changes to Gwen aren't terrible but I feel like Riot is trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist
Quoten-Highlight: 5% Plagiate (wahrscheinlich durch ChatGPT)
Riot, if you want Gwen to build Hp, give her an Hp ratio.
But what if all supermarkets were actually allowed to be open on Sunday
ich habe dieses wochenende (schmerzhaft) gelernt: ein raid ist kein backup
Stats broken or bad?
Rissige Hände
Gweb in Arena
So Is The Maelstrom Shotgun In BO6 Zombies Complete Garbage Or Does It Get Better With Attachments?
Most human interactions in this world seem scripted and fake