My brain deciding whether to click on every fucking leak or to not get spoiled (I've seen 10 Leak Posts already)
One breast not responding as well to pumping suddenly?
The "Leaker" on twitter also said this
When did your kid start saying I love you?
Where’s she get a hair tie?
Which TV character's death hit you the hardest?
Well it’s been confirmed
Season 1 Flashback
Husband says small fridge is triangular shaped cuz he only sees 3 sides.
Which season had the most hookups?
DEI companies
At what age did you flip your toddlers carseat around?
Who is the worst male/female lead of a show?
My dad and his friend's over-planned airport carpool schedule
What do you think will happen to the watermelon hat baby?
You get 200k tax free but you have to survive 5 days in the last movie you watched
My daughter doesn't speak...
My newborn is 10 days old. I miss not having kids
AITA for being upset at my husband after he told me to stop nursing in public?
Not producing much with pumping?
Someone gave my baby a straw she had been using!!
Tell me I'm not alone. Have you tasted your baby's formula?
How old were you when you had your first child? Would you change it?